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July 16, 2012


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I think it's perhaps a less MSFT-related or MSNBC-baggage move, and more of a broader move across the NBC brand. NBC changed its "Versus" sports network to "NBC Sports Network." It makes sense for it rebrand "NBC" across its brand, especially before the high viewership of the Olympics.


It's also not clear that was viewed with the same left-wing bent as the MSNBC channel. It was far more likely to be a combination of wire stories and fluff videos/stories from the Today show than to be a political website. I don't even think they put up Keith Olberman's stuff back when he was with them on TV.


Wu Huifang: one is dumping
a price-fixing, and they should be
in some of China's large-scale
industrial chain products are prone to. And it is similar to a lot of people report, it must be substantiated.
NTV news (Network News Network compile Nina
then reported), according to the U.S. National Constitution Center on July 13, subordinate judicial committee
of the U.S. House of Representatives is considering amendments to the Espionage Act, the reporter if the
announcement was leaked national
security information will be treated as spies . The bill will undoubtedly lead to a lively discussion about the First Amendment.
U.S. House Judiciary Committee,
said that in view of the recent United
States has a large number of security information has been leaked, they are to consider amending the 1917 promulgated the "Espionage Act". Disclosure of information, including counter-intelligence operation initiated against Iran, as well as by the drone attacks on terrorism blacklist the names of the victims.

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