Over at theracetothebottom.org, Jay Brown of the University of Denver has a new listing of law professors who blog. This is part of an extensive project he's working on regarding the impact of blogging on the legal academy. I wrote some about this on Saturday and you may be interested in the paper "Law Faculty Blogs and Disruptive Innovation: The Data" Jay has up on ssrn.
One thing that I'd be interested in seeing is the data re-ordered from school name to the U.S. News peer assessment rank of the school; I think that would convey well -- and easily -- how the distribution of bloggers are distributed. There's a ton of interesting data that one could add to this study -- like age, time in the academy, and areas of teaching and research for bloggers. I continue to be mightily interested in the phenomon of blogging and continue to wonder why people blog. I think this data can really help us get at some interesting issues.
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