Our friends in Tempe pass along the following hiring announcement:
The Sandra Day O’Connor College of Law invites applications for tenured and tenure-track faculty positions at all levels, including highly distinguished lateral and entry-level candidates. We invite applications from outstanding individuals in any subject area, though we are particularly interested in individuals who specialize in administrative law, bankruptcy, business law, civil and criminal procedure, commercial law, evidence, Indian law (especially economic development in Indian country), and tax law, as well as individuals who teach in the first-year curriculum.
In addition, the College of Law will be looking to interview highly qualified candidates for a position as Clinical Director of the recently established Ruth A. McGregor Family Protection Clinic—a clinic devoted to aiding victims of domestic violence and trafficking.
Interested individuals should review our full advertisement for information about qualifications and how to apply, at http://www.law.asu.edu/LinkClick.aspx?fileticket=OSmFQPuiGHI%3d&tabid=717.