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June 14, 2012


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Bob Strassfeld

I've been surprised at the deafening silence on this post, given the large number of U.Va. alum that there must be among Faculty Lounge's readers. Perhaps, like me, most of us have been struggling to understand what the Board's real motivations were. They have not made it easy, hiding behind the usual dodge of unwillingness to discuss personnel decisions. I understand how those can be sensitive, and that there might be reasons for circumspection when the basis of a personnel decision is either misconduct or bad performance. None of that has been alleged by the Rector or the Board of Visitors, however. Instead we are told there were philosophical differences (along with pace of implementation issues--which given President Sullivan's short tenure seems odd) that prompted the firing. Why those cannot be publicly aired defies logic and defies basic academic values of openness (along with concern about faculty governance and other university stakeholders).

I am a law school alum. I am deeply thankful for the terrific legal education that U.Va. gave me. I was fortunate enough to attend at a time when the Commonwealth was still committed to funding public education, so I also was blessed with an education that I could afford. Before attending U.Va. Law, I was something of a refugee within the U.Va. history department. At the time, I was a history graduate student at the University of Rochester, but had been transplanted to Charlottesville, where I would start and abandon a dissertation. The history department was warm and welcoming. My connection with them, along with the experience of various relatives attending U.Va. has solidified my bonds with the University as a whole. I am deeply saddened by recent events, and I see it as yet another instance of the assault on higher education by a msiplaced faith in corporate monitors and corporate models, or pseudo-models, of governance.

For an interesting discussion of the U.Va. coup, take a long at: (hat tip to Brian Leiter for spotting this). The author is Siva Vaidhyanathan, Professor of Media Studies (apparently with a secondary appointment in Law) at U.Va.


There's a nice summary of the situation, timeline of events, and discussion here:

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