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June 28, 2012


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Alfred Brophy

We should also congratulate the law faculty whose law journal scholarship was cited in the opinions: Lynn Baker and Mitchell Berman's 2003 "Getting off the Dole" in the Indiana Law Journal; Evan Caminker's State Sovereignty and Subordinacy in the Columbia Law Review in 1995; Mark Hall's Commerce Clause Challenges to Health Care Reform in the Penn Law Review in 2011; Nicole Huberfeld, Federalizing Medicaid, in the U.Penn. Journal of Constitutional Law in 2011; Susan Rose-Ackerman's Cooperative Federalism and Co-Optation in the Yale Law Journal in 1983.

I see that Roberts also used Gerald Gunther's edition of Marshall's defense of McCullough, which was published anonymously, no?

Have I missed anyone?


David Franklin in Slate:


I'd add in the four professors who gave their takes in NPR's article Legal Scholars React: 'Many People Were Stunned' at

Richard Garnett
Erwin Chemerinsky
Jamal Greene
Neil Siegel

Also commenting in the same article were scholars Ilya Shapiro from the Cato Institute and Robert Alt from the Heritage Foundation.

Dan Filler

And Paul Campos at Salon:


Brie Clark here:

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