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June 23, 2012


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You can watch a live stream of the Rally For Honor, today 2-4 pm, here:


Speakers to be introduced by Dan Ehnbom (Associate Professor, McIntire Department of Art)

1:30-2:00 pm

UVa Band


2:00 pm

Peter Norton (SEAS): introductory comments on behalf of Faculty Senate
Assistant Professor, Department of Science, Technology & Society; Chair, Policy Committee, Faculty Senate


Kenneth G. Elzinga (A&S)
Robert C. Taylor Professor of Economics; Department of Economics

David W. Breneman (BATTEN)
Newton and Rita Meyers Professor in Economics of Education, Department of Leadership, Foundations and Policy (Curry), University Professor (& former Dean, Curry School, former Director of Batten School)

Derrick P. Aldridge (CURRY)
Professor, Department of Leadership, Foundations and Policy

Nicholas Winter (A&S)
Associate Professor, Woodrow Wilson Department of Politics

Dorothy K. Fontaine (NURSING)
Sadie Heath Cabaniss Professor of Nursing, and Dean, School of Nursing

Leigh Grossman (MEDICINE)
Professor of Pediatric Medicine, Chief of the Pediatric Infectious Disease Division; former Vice Provost of International Affairs

Kathryn Laughon (NURSING)
Associate Professor of Nursing, Department of Family, Community and Mental Health Systems

Ann M. Coughlin (LAW)
Lewis F. Powell Jr. Professor of Law and Joel B. Piassick Research Professor of Law

Jon Mikalson (A&S)
William R. Kenan Jr. Professor of Classics and Interim Chair, Department of Classics

Mitchell Green (A&S)
NEH/Horace Goldsmith Distinguished Teaching Professor of Philosophy, Corcoran Department of Philosophy

Peter S. Onuf (A&S)
Thomas Jefferson Memorial Foundation Professor, Corcoran Department of History

Charles Mathewes (A&S)
Professor of Religious Studies, Department of Religious Studies; Director, Virginia Center for the Study of Religion; Co-Principal, Brown College

Ricardo Padron (A&S)
Associate Professor of Spanish, Department of Spanish, Italian and Portuguese

Jahan Ramazani (A&S)
Edgar F. Shannon Professor of Modern and Contemporary Poetry, Department of English

Michael F. Suarez (A&S)
Professor of English, Department of English; University Professor; Honorary Curator of Special Collections; Director, Rare Book School

Douglas Fordham (A&S)
Associate Professor of Art History, McIntire Department of Art

Associate Professor, Department of Architectural History

Olivier Pfister (A&S)
Professor of Experimental Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, Department of Physics

Larry G. Richards (SEAS)
Professor, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering


Johny Vroom
President, UVa Student Council

George C. Privon
Chair of Communications, A&S Graduate Student Council

Stephen Nash
Chair, Honor Committee


Kristin Szakos
Vice Mayor, City of Charlottesville

Creigh Deeds (to be read by K. Szakos)
Senator, 25th Senate District

David Toscano (to be read by K. Szakos)
Delegate, Virginia House, 57th District

Suzie McCarthy
Graduate student, Woodrow Wilson Department of Politics; Organizer, United For Honor Protest

Joel Voss
Graduate student, Woodrow Wilson Department of Politics


UVa Band: concluding performance


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