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« Woodside on Sterilization in North Carolina | Main | VAPs, Fellowships and Minority Hiring »

May 22, 2012


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Great series of posts. The forms are unbelievable--banality and all that.

Daniel S. Goldberg

The use of these forms is very important psychologically, socially, politically, and legally, I think. They cloak the actual bodies of the people whom are to be sterilized (or, in the case of the Third Reich, to be tortured, experimented upon, or murdered) in the clothing and machinery of the state. There is, if not an element of dehumanizing to the bureaucracy, at least an aspect in which the lived experiences of the person on whom the violation is to be performed are erased and made invisible. They are standardized and aggregated into the state itself, which fits with Lifton's notion of the 'biocracy,' which I've mentioned here I think is important for thinking about eugenics, etc.

Thanks for the wonderful coverage, as always, Al.

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