For some years now I've been blogging about quick takes on the U.S. News rankings. This week when the rankings came out I didn't have time to get to them, but I want to focus now on some basic analysis of them.... The 2013 U.S. News rankings include 195 schools. Overall numerical ranks were published for the 146 highest ranked schools, but not for the other 49 schools. All other data were provided for all schools.
U.S. News lists the 146 schools in order of rank in a table titled “The Top Schools.” The other schools are listed alphabetically under the rubric “Second Tier”. This is similar to last year’s classification but different from previous years, when schools were divided into four tiers. For old times’ sake and to provide a more detailed analysis for some variables, I’ve divided the schools into four groups, as follows:
Group. N Ranks Schools
1 50 1 - 49 Yale thru American, Pepperdine (tie)
2 50 51 - 99 Baylor thru Rutgers-Camden, Tulsa (tie)
3 46 101 - 145 St. Louis + 4 other schools thru Montana, North Dakota
4 49 RNP*
Total 195
*RNP = Rank Not Published
Here's a pdf file with the above data in a much more readable format.
Peer assessment and Lawyer/Judge assessment by school group
Peer Lawyer/Judge
-------------- -----------------
Group N M SD M SD
1 50 3.64 0.63 3.97 0.44
2 50 2.54 0.21 3.05 0.20
3 46 2.09 0.16 2.57 0.29
4 49 1.55 0.23 2.00 0.35
The file also has some more data, including several correlation matrices.
Of particular interest to me are the high correlation of peer assessment scores
and lawyer/judge assessment (.96) and the substantially lower -- but still high
correlation -- between peer assessment and employed at nine months (.63).
Thanks Al for this useful info.
Posted by: Ediberto Roman | March 17, 2012 at 04:08 PM