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March 25, 2012


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Mary Bilder

Thanks Al for posting this sad news. I was fortunate to have taken his courses as an undergraduate at Wisconsin. I was an english major and it was my first foray into history. I can still see him, lecturing in the dreadful concrete, windowless lecture rooms that the history department occupied in the wake of the Vietnam War. He taught American intellectual history, but not of ideas floating around in a universe by themselves but rather grounded and responding to social, political, and cultural context. Over twenty-five years later, I still remember Boyer's curiosity about person after person who had led a somewhat ordinary life and then confronted by some major crisis in American history or personal depression gone on to write his or her significant work.

Alfred Brophy

Thanks for that memorial, Mary.

Tamara Piety

Thanks Al for posting this. I loved that book!

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