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March 27, 2012


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I'm thrilled to hear this news. Every inter-action I've had with him reveals a deft and generous touch, and I think and hope he'll continue to lead ASU ably!


I tend to think that the university did him a disservice by highlighting the US News ranking as the main reason for his appointment. Right up front in its announcement, after saying he was appointed interim dean in May 2011, ASU indicates that he is the one who accomplished all the following in the 4 months between his appointment as dean and the voting on US News ballots:

"During his time as interim dean, the College of Law’s national academic rankings have improved significantly. According to U.S. News & World Report’s 2013 "Best Law Schools," the quality of ASU’s College of Law improved across the board – in the caliber of students it attracts, the quality of education students receive, its reputation among academic peers, the recognition among judges and lawyers around the country, and its employment track record."

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