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January 18, 2012


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Mark Tushnet

Giving a hyperlink for Cary Grant's name means that you can get bonus points if you know what a blue font (in my version) means.

Kelly Anders

Let's take your great point a step further. It means that bonus points will be awarded for visiting the link and reading what's there. Knowing a link exists does not guarantee its visitation.

Len Rotman

Cary Grant's real name is Archibald (Archie) Leach, which is also the name used by the John Cleese barrister character in "A Fish Called Wanda". See
(if it is not still blocked out).

Adventure Racing

Oh! Don't know the real name, but thanks that I have stumble on this blog. Thanks also guys. :D

Kelly Anders

Yes, that's correct. Cleese also reportedly entered Cambridge University as a law student, but never became a member of the British bar. Thanks for going the extra mile in your response, Len. I'm not sure about the perceived value of extra bonus points (that sounds somewhat redundant, doesn't it?), but you've received them nonetheless.

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