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January 19, 2012


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You're not alone, I also missed the Golden Globes! Sigh...

Kelly Anders

So did I. I didn't much care for Gervais as a host last year, so I wasn't eager to see a repeat. Congrats on your new appointment, Jacquie! As for the trivia pool, Tim has my vote.

alta charo

Fair warning to my fellow Austen-ites out there: Death Comes to Pemberley is the best of the sequels with regard to tone. Capturing Austen's voice is terribly difficult, and this book does it far better than the others. But the plot is ridiculous and some of our favorite characters - Darcy, Elizabeth - are reduced to one or two leading characteristics, with no nuance at all. So don't worry about the story. Just let the sound of the words wrap you in the warmth of your favorite childhood blanket.

Jacqui Lipton

Thanks Kelly. I second the vote for Tim!

And I have to agree with Alta re how good P D James was at capturing Austen's voice, but how it was also a little disappointing that the main characters don't have much of a role in this sequel.

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