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January 23, 2012


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Charles Hoffman

I've always assumed he would head back to U Chicago (which would also be a lovely location for his presidential library).

Another thought I've had is that Obama might be the first president since Taft to be credible as a Supreme Court nominee. The timing would have to be right—a few years after he's out of office (so as to provide time to get the ball rolling on his post-office projects), a Democratic president, and the right opening on the Supreme Court (it might have to be the chief justice slot, as was the case with Taft; anything else might seem degrading, as when John Quincy Adams went on to serve in the House after his presidency). But I could imagine it happening if the right stars aligned.


"It's not like he'll be co-opted by all old guard law faculty types..."

Same as he didn't fall under the thumb of Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid?

Joe (not that one)

"I've always assumed he would head back to U Chicago (which would also be a lovely location for his presidential library)."

Yeah, but where would they put it? Unless they are going to coopt a huge chunk of park land (be it the Midway, Promontory Point, or Jackson Park), that part of the city is either way too crowded, or way too dangerous (or both).

"But I could imagine it happening if the right stars aligned."

That stellar alignment would have to involve the abolishment of the filibuster, because there ain't no way that he gets by the Senate otherwise. People don't realize how (irrationally, crazily, stupidly) Republicans hate Obama.


He has a lot of experience at fundraising, so he'd certainly have that in his favor if he wanted to be a dean.

Michael Teter

Just what we need -- more Obama fundraising emails!

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