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December 10, 2011


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Eric Muller

Unfortuntely, the document also includes a couple of staff grievances that seem to have nothing to do with faculty salaries. I really don't see the point of publicizing those.


Mr. Muller,

Isn't it just as legitimate to publish the salaries of faculty members at public universities as it is to publish any other salary information of public officials? It seems like legitimate public information to me that should be available for citizens' assessment. The money is coming out of public funds and therefore should be accessible to the public.


Knowing other faculties' (and our own faculty's) compensation packages is helpful for those of us who negotiate raises with our deans. The more knowledge all of us have the better equipped we are to calculate our own worth in other circumstances as well, including permanent and visiting offers.


The Texas Tribune has a clearer (if less detailed) list at:

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've always tried to bring you the latest in faculty compensation news here at the Lounge. UT law faculty salaries may be a bit more obscure than most, but thanks to the FOIA handiwork of several inquisitive faculty members, you can find all the University of Texas School of Law salary details


It does seem pretty clear that he was paying more than he needed to given the folks he was buying. Sometimes people just get caught up in wanting to win, and it seems that the Dean clearly went way overboard.

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Thanks for experimenting with different recipes so we won't have to, Andrea. Can't wait to try this. Part of me wishes you'd show us the finished buns and the texture, though, so we know what to expect. :(

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always tried to bring you the latest in faculty compensation news here at the Lounge. UT law faculty salaries may be a bit more obscure than most, but thanks to the FOIA handiwork of several inquisitive faculty members, you can find all the University of Texas School of Law salary

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