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October 13, 2011


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Sharon Britton

How beautiful is that! Where is it?

Alfred Brophy

Is it time to play where in the world is ... Kim Krawiec?

Kim Krawiec

Hey Sharon! Location will be revealed in my next post, unless Al guesses first . . .

Alfred Brophy

I'm thinking somewhere in Hawaii. Though it might be upstate NY? I'm having trouble getting a gauge on the vegetation. Doesn't look quite lush enough for Hawaii, perhaps.

Mark Levin

Al is well traveled here (and welcome back any time), but I don't think we've any rivers that size. Else our water rights cases might be easier. Looks prairie to me. My guess is Montana, but just a guess.

Alfred Brophy

Thanks, Mark -- I obviously need to come back to refresh my memory of Hawaii's waterfalls!

Bill Turnier

Travel photo? I thought it was Kim's and Mitu's new water garden.

Kim Krawiec

Good guesses (especially from Bill), but nope. I will post another photo tomorrow that will narrow it down.

Jeff Kahn

Southern Iceland.

mary dudziak


mary dudziak



Yea, it looks like Gullfoss in Iceland. I was there a few months ago and it was stunning; Iceland became my new favorite place in the world.


Yup...Gulfoss in Iceland. Amazing place.

Kim Krawiec

Roger and AnonDude are correct! We need to develop some Lounge swag to give out for such contests.

Kim Krawiec

oops -- just noticed that Jeff was the first to get it right.


... all my troubles seemed so far away.

Kim Krawiec

Hanah, you are so right . . .

Jeff Kahn

So, about that Lounge swag... ! Even better, how about ideas for legal research opportunities near Gullfoss (other than the Icelandic Sagas research that Michigan's William Miller has done)? The only Fulbright that I've found in Iceland is in the far north, which is less attractive (and much colder) an option. DNA and banking come to mind, but does anyone know a good comparative law issue that Iceland offers better than any other place? The Althing, after all, is the oldest continuously existing parliament in the world.

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