Updated 6/14//2012
Time flies when you're having fun! And what could be more fun than posting the annual list of dean searches? As always, I encourage folks to contact me with updates - ideally via my email, [email protected].
Albany (Isaacson, Miller consulting on search) (Penelope Andrews named dean)
Appalachian (Judge Keary Williams, chair of search committee) (Lucy McGough named dean)
Arizona State (search committee here) (Doug Sylvester, Janet Levit and Ralph Brubaker finalists) (Doug Sylvester named dean)
Baltimore (Greenwood/Asher & Assoc. consulting) (Ronald Weich named dean)
Brooklyn Law School (search committee here) (Witt/Kiefer consulting) (Lawrence Solan, Russell Osgood, Janet Levit and Nicholas Allard finalists) (Nicholas Allard named dean)
California Western (search committee here) (Isaacson, Miller consulting) (Niels B. Schaumann named dean)
Campbell University (Dr. Dwaine Greene, chair of search committee) (Keith Faulkner named interim dean)
Catholic University (Dr. Michael Mack, chair of search committee)
Emory (search committee here) (Howard Abrams, Frank Vandall, and Robert Schapiro finalists) (Robert Schapiro named dean)
Hofstra (Eric Lane named interim dean)
Indiana Tech (Peter Alexander named dean)
LaVerne (Philip Hawkey interim dean)
UMass Dartmouth (search committee here) (Mary Lu Bilek named dean)
McGeorge (U of Pacific) (Francis "Jay" Mootz III named dean)
Missouri (search committee here) (finalists are Gary Myers, Andrew Klein, Robert Pushaw, Marcella David and Beverly Moran) (Gary Myers named dean)
New York Law (search committee here) (Storbeck Pimentel consulting) (Anthony Crowell named dean)
North Carolina Central
North Texas (Royal Furgeson named dean)
Northeastern (search committee here) (Witt/Kiefer consulting)
Oklahoma City (Judge Valerie Couch named dean)
Pittsburgh (David Harris, Robert Ackerman, Jeff Rosen, Marcella David and William Carter finalists) (William "Chip" Carter named dean)
South Dakota
St. Thomas (Minnesota) (search committee here)
Stetson (search committee here) (Christopher Pietruszkiewicz named dean)
Texas (search committee is here) (Ward Farnsworth named dean)
Touro (search committee here) (Patricia Salkin named dean)
Vermont (Mark Latham, co-chair) (Isaacson, Miller consulting) (Raymond Ku, Mark Mihaly, Gary Robers, Niels Schaumann and Brenda Smith finalists) (Mark Mihaly named dean)
Washington & Lee (search committee here) (Isaacson, Miller consulting) (Marion Crain, Nora Demleitner, Michael Gerhardt and David Scheffer finalists) (Nora Demleitner named dean)
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