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August 18, 2011


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Alfred Brophy

Congratulations, Eric! This is very exciting. I'm sorry that I can't be there to see the ceremonies, which I'm certain will be moving.

Patrick S. O'Donnell

I second Al's sentiment (and what a lovely name!).

islamic hotels

Congratulations, Eric! This is very exciting. I'm sorry that I can't be there to see the ceremonies, which I'm certain will be moving. islamic hotels...

Michael C. Duff

I've participated in the Tour de Wyoming bicycle event a couple of times in northern Wyoming and on one occasion had the chance to pedal past the location. The isolation is breathtaking - and I speak as someone who lives and teaches in sparsely populated southeastern Wyoming. I can't begin to imagine the terror surrounding relocation to such a desolate place.

Leslie Friedman

I am a member of Providence Friends Meeting, a Quaker meeting just outside Philadelphia, PA. One of our members, George Oye, who was born in the U.S. of Japanese ancestry, was interned during WWII in Jerome, AK and Gila, AZ. George was introduced to the Quakers because they were among the few assisting internees and monitoring conditions in the camps. Based on his experiences, George decided to live his life according to Quaker values. Thanks so much for all the work you have done to bring the Learning Center to fruition and for your post, which I will share with George's family and with other members of our Meeting.

Neil Simon

This interpretive center is long overdue. Glad to see this happen. New Mexico is trying to do similar work with grant money. A new video about the DOJ-run Santa Fe Internment Camp has just been completed -- the first video about the all-men camp. Check out here:

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