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August 24, 2011


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Eric Muller

Is it really fair to describe law and economics (or "law and ... anything") as a "pillar of legal education?" It might be a pillar of legal scholarship, I suppose, but outside the top 10 or so law schools (or maybe just the top 4 or 5), I'd be hard-pressed to imagine that legal education strays too far -- in any methodological or substantive direction -- beyond fairly conventionally doctrinal approaches to subject matter that clusters around what's on the bar exam and some clinical offerings.

Eric Muller

To be clear, I am drawing a distinction here between "legal education" and "legal scholarship." The two strike me as rather different things, though it's flattering all of us lawprof types to think that they're the same.


Maybe the idea is that legal education is like the Parthenon, and has many, many pillars, any one of which might not be all that important.

Orin Kerr

My new article "Fourth Amendment Law as a Pillar of Legal Education" should be up on SSRN soon.


I like that, Orin, and not just because it fits w/ my new "Parthenonic" theory of legal education. (I see one advantage of my account being that it recognizes that not all pillars are load bearing.)

Eric Muller

I like to think of my work as more of a flying buttress.

Mike Rich

Interesting. My work is often described as a flying mattress.

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