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August 03, 2011


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Mary Dudziak

Bridget, thanks for posting this. Every year I get queries from Guggenheim applicants, so I thought I'd share a few tips. For starters, if you're going to go to the trouble of applying for a Guggenheim, you should apply for as many relevant fellowships as you can, especially obscure ones you don't even know about until you do the research. Many, many highly qualified applicants are passed over by Guggenheim every year. The year I was awarded a Guggenheim, a poet who had applied every year for 20 years was finally awarded one. You can't count on this one, no matter how wonderful your project is. But there are so many other fellowships. And being awarded others helps you develop a track record so that you're more competitive for the fanciest fellowships in the future. And also -- money and support is money and support. There are more fellowships out there -- you just need to explore what's available in your field. (And do it quickly -- since the deadline season is coming up.)

The other most important thing: you need to keep in mind that non-law scholars are going to be reading your application. They probably expect books, and law profs more frequently write articles. I take up how to address this problem in a post: How to Get a Fellowship: Tips for Law Faculty

More advice from the Legal History Blog -- including what needs to go in your proposal, is here. And a post on the care and feeding of your references is here.

Best of luck!

Mary Dudziak

Links in my comment didn't work. Trying again:

tips for law faculty applying for fellowships:

more fellowship advice -- including what goes in your proposal:

regarding references:

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