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August 10, 2011


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James Grimmelmann

For some tasks, Google Scholar is qualitatively better at enhancing human cognition than most of the alternatives. Google Scholar is an order of magnitude faster than Lexis or Westlaw, and its simple interface puts all its competitors to shame for ease of use. If I need to pull a case from a major reporter and explore the cases it cites, Google Scholar is my tool of choice. It may not have field-based searching or rich results ordering, and its "how cited" feature may not hold a candle to a real citator, but for what it does, it does it exceedingly well. I wouldn't want to live with it as my only legal research tool, but it's also useful for reasons that go beyond the low price tag.

Alfred Brophy

I know you all are talking about contemporary legal research -- so this is on a parallel point. is my starting point for legal history research.

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