As of today (7/28), a quick look at ExpressO indicates that almost 2/3 of the journals listed under "Top Law School Law Reviews 1-50" are now accepting articles. The remaining third - those not yet open - count journals from several top schools (e.g. NYU, Cornell, Duke). An even greater proportion of journals listed in the "Top Law School Law Reviews 51-100" - over 80% - are now accepting.
Does anyone know whether these journals were simply open all summer, or did they open only recently? It seems like the August season has been slowly advancing for the last several years. I wonder whether this change is a result of the advent of ExpressO and truncated summer associate programs (and therefore available editors).
I have gotten used to these references to Redyip but still don't understand where that name comes from -- something about a bird and a god names zarcon?
Posted by: Jessica Owley | July 28, 2011 at 11:37 AM
I know Chicago typically stays open all summer.
Posted by: David Schraub | July 28, 2011 at 05:34 PM
I submitted a piece in early July when I saw how many in the 1-50 and 51-100 were taking submissions. I don't think it has changed much since then.
The fact that the law review is "open" on ExpressO, however, may or may not mean that there are students actually reviewing submissions. A summer submission may just end up on the stack to be read in August (if at all).
I'm guest blogging on Prawfs and may post something (a narrative) in the next couple days about my experience submitting over the summer.
Posted by: Jeff Lipshaw | July 28, 2011 at 06:38 PM
"open" on expresso is not the same as actually reading the submissions. Our (very limited) survey suggested that most journals won't begin reading until August or September.
Posted by: BDG | July 28, 2011 at 08:16 PM
Jessie: I did a little Internet archaeology and believe that Orin Kerr (GW Law, Volokh Conspiracy), commenting at Truth on the Market back in Feb. 2008, may be the originator and High Priest of Redyip, the Great Bird of the gods of Zarcon, which announces the start of the law review placement hunting season.
Jeff: Thanks for your narrative at Prawfs. I concur - it's a crazy system.
BDG: Thanks for the survey results. I had missed your post and agree "open" could very well mean "gathering/collecting manuscripts in a bin for an August read."
Posted by: Tuan | July 29, 2011 at 11:30 AM