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July 23, 2011


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google images betrays the trivia game yet again. I found exactly where this was by making an educated guess and searching for "slave quarters."

Bill Turnier

I have visited these on many occasions and often take visitors to see them. Although many great homes are preserved in the South, few slave quarters survive. These are much improved over what slaves were normally given. The owner of the plantation was experiencing considerable deaths with his slaves so built these "super" quarters to enhance the chances of his slaves surviving. They are the surviving slave quarters from Stagville Plantation outside of Durham. The barn on the sight is a magnificent structure that was built at the time of the Civil War.

Alfred Brophy

Excellent educated guess, B. You deserve credit for knowing what to look for on google images!

B and Bill -- you are, of course, correct. They're the slave quarters at Stagville. Four families lived in a building -- two on each floor. Each family had one room.

I highly recommend a visit to Stagville; it really drives home what life was like for enslaved people.

Well, that's about it for me for building trivia. I'll have to hunt around for some more good ones. I think I have a couple of monument pictures left, though they're not quite as much fun.

Bill Turnier

Al, thanks for posting these and for providing a description of how limited these quarthers were. When one sees them and is informed that these are very high quality slave quarters, one has even more of a sense of shame about what we leaglly allowed as treatment for one segment of our people. We heaped a legal crime upon another legal crime.

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