The 2012 ABA/LSAC Official Guide to ABA-Approved Law Schools is out. Well, sort of. The paper version probably won't be available until tomorrow. Oddly enough, the ABA website lists a publication date of January 1, 2011; presumably the publication date is July 1.
In any event, the online version now has PDFs of pages from the 2012 edition.
The changes are interesting. The ABA public letter about LaVerne says that,
- if Laverne does not appeal the Council's denial of full approval by July 14, its provisional approval will automatically lapse, but
- if La Verne appeals, the Council's denial would be stayed pending action on the appeal.
The online version does not include La Verne, but the paper edition might. The last page of the entry for Kentucky is page 399, while the first page of the entry for Lewis & Clark is page 404, which leaves room for an entry for La Verne. If When La Verne appeals, it should be easy enough to add it to the online version.
Oddly, Cal-Irvine, which was given preliminary approval, is also omitted from the online version, and, perhaps the paper version: there are no missing page numbers between the last page of Cal-Hastings, 159, and the first page for UCLA, 160.
The pages for both Charlotte and Elon have been updated to remove the "Provisional" tag.