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May 19, 2011


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Howard Wasserman

Plus, I have heard of studies that suggest bar passage is influence by how a student does in law school compared with a student at a different school with the same indicators. So take two students with the same LSAT: A goes to a higher-ranked school and finishes in the bottom quartile, B goes to a lower-ranked school and finishes in the top quartile--B is more likely to pass the bar. It seems to me that finding furthers the individual/group distinction you are suggesting here.


Is this really so surprising? Most states have a multiple choice section that accounts for 40%+ of the final bar result. Some states don't even have a minimum score for the non-multiple choice portions, which means that test takers can really make up a lot of ground if they knock the multiple choice section out of the park.

So at the end of the day, doesn't this really just amount to "people whi do well on standardized multiple choice tests do well three years later on standardized multiple choice tests"?


Joe, it may be as you say, that the correlation arises from better abilities to take standardized tests and not something else like "analytical ability" (however defined). But even then the correlation is important, because passing the bar is important in and of itself to the law school and to the student.

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