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May 31, 2011


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Thank you for all of these posts from your trip. I have very much appreciated the chance to read them. I'm not sure enjoyed is the right word, but certainly moved. I'd imagine writing them can be its own emotionally difficult work, and so I wanted to thank you for that work.

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I think the post is very good ,you look at it ,and you ?know more perhaps you can like to know

Adam Mossoff

I just wanted to add my own "thank you" for these blog postings, too.

BTW, have you read the book, Mila 18 by Leon Uris? (You probably already know of Uris as the author of Exodus.) It's historical fiction, like Exodus, and it's nominally about the uprising in the Warsaw Ghetto in 1943, but it's really about the Holocaust. I ask only because one of the things that Uris really captures well in his book is the Nazi's insistence on "legality" for the Holocaust. As a work of fiction, I found it eerily insightful as to the pathological psychology of this demand for "legal formalities."

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