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« Keith Aoki, RIP | Main | CFP: Critical Perspectives on Tax Policy Workshop »

April 27, 2011


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writer jobs

this is great no rules i like this blog!

Sheree Rensel

"I suspect Keith never realized how dear he was to so many people."

I am sure of this. I knew him in the 70's at Wayne State University. Even then, he was a wonderkind. I longed to just have a morsel of his energy, enthusiasm, and intelligence to mysteriously float my way. I am absolutely sure Keith never realized his impact. I have thought about him for decades. Yet, it was just a powerful memory. I doubt he would ever suspect people thousands of miles away were still thinking of him and his power.

To hear of his death is more than sad. It sounds impossible. However, once again he is here to teach. Life has it's timeline whether we like it or not. RIP KEITH. You will be truly missed.

Kim Krawiec

Thanks for sharing this Sheree -- a very touching story. We've seen so much evidence today of those people thousands of miles away who are missing and mourning Keith. Glad you could join us today in celebrating him.


We definitely feel the same way about him at Davis. He tried to make law school welcoming, supportive, and friendly. Transforming law school into a pleasant experience is the mark of an iconoclast if there ever was one. He is universally loved here.

Kim Krawiec

I'm glad to hear that Daniel -- I suspected as much, but didn't want to speculate about the perceptions of others. Thanks for adding your more recent memories to the mix.

Charlie Hellstrom

"And I wonder whether his new colleagues at UC Davis saw him the same way or whether his institutional persona changed over the years"
I was fortunate enough to be in Professor Aoki's last Property class and "No instructions! No rules! sounds like the professor we all knew and loved. Although we didn't get to see the long hair or leather jacket, I think that part of Keith Aoki never left.

Kim Krawiec

This warms my heart, Charlie. Keith always loved his students so. I'm so happy to hear that the feeling was still mutual.

Ann Bartow

That is a wonderful post, Kim. Thanks. It is so devastating to lose Keith. As with so many other people, he was really helpful and encouraging to me in many ways over man years.

Kim Krawiec

Thanks so much Ann. I know that it must have been an especially hard loss to the IP community. But, of course, part of Keith's magic was an ability to make you feel a part of any community he inhabited.

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