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March 03, 2011


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Rick Bales

Yes. That's the whole point of the lawyering skills movement. We do a fantastic job of training future lawyers to be law professors and Supreme Court justices. We do a less-than-great job of training future lawyers to conduct a hearing, take a deposition, or draft a complex contract.

Skills training and doctrinal training are not mutually exclusive. We can and should do both.

Similarly, the high-cost-clinical model and the low-cost-Socratic model are not the only models available. Skills can be taught at moderate cost, if we're willing to be creative -- such as by designing well-thought-out and -monitored externship programs and adjunct-taught courses.

James Grimmelmann

If these are the only two alternatives, we're all doomed.

Rick Bales

I agree with James. If we insist on sticking rigidly to the old models, new models (onlines, for-profits, who-knows-what-else) will eat our lunch in the not-too-distant future.

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