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February 20, 2011


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Jacqui Lipton

Jodie Foster - Taxi Driver (supporting actress), Silence of the Lambs and The Accused (best actress).


Denzel Washington won a supporting actor Oscar for Glory, and a best actor Oscar for Training Day.


Kevin Spacey for The Usual Suspects (Supporting Actor) and American Beauty (Actor).

Gene Hackman for The French Connection (Actor) and Unforgiven (Supporting Actor).

Meryl Streep for Sophie's Choice (Actress) and Kramer vs. Kramer (Supporting Actress).

Colin Miller

Jack Nicholson - Terms of Endearment (Supporting); One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest & As Good As It Gets (Lead)

Tim Zinnecker

Jack Lemmon (supporting in Mister Roberts, and leading in Save the Tiger).

Ingrid Bergman (supporting for Murder on the Orient Express, and leading in both Gaslight and Anastasia).

Colin Miller

"Save the Tiger" is a forgotten gem and maybe Lemmon's best performance ever. Here was my review of it when it was released on DVD:

Lance McMillian

Washington, Spacey, Hackman, Streep, Nicholson, Lemmon, and Bergman are correct. Foster is incorrect, as she did not win for Taxi Driver. Four more left.

Tim Zinnecker

Helen Hayes (supporting for Airport, lead for The Sin of Madelon Claudet).

Lance McMillian

Helen hayes is correct. Three left.


Robert DeNiro won best supporting actor for Godfather 2 and best actor for Raging Bull.


Jessica Lange won best supporting actress for Tootsie and best actress for Blue Sky.

Lance McMillian

De Niro and Lange are correct. And then there was one.


Maggie Smith for The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie (Actress) and California Suite (Supporting Actress).

Lance McMillian

Maggie Smith is the last correct answer.

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