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January 03, 2011


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Orin Kerr

Interesting questions, Eric. Three thoughts.

1) As much as the left-right divide is artificial, it does reflect common perceptions. Those perceptions matter.

2) In the 1930s and 1940s, the Republican party's foreign party was generally pretty isolationist. If you came to the U.S. in the 1940s as a refugee from the Nazis, the Democratic party that favored intervention would be a natural home. In contrast, from the 1950s to the 1980s, the Republican party's foreign policy was largely defined by anticommunism. If you came to the U.S. in the 1980s as a refugee from Soviet Russia, the Republican party that favored intervention would be a natural hime.

3) Over time, Jews got smarter. ;-)


I think it's mostly because there was a tradition of social democracy in Germany prior to the Nazi takeover that many of those who immigrated to the US were associated with. On the other hand, before Communism, the czars had intermittently tolerated anti-Jewish persecution, and so state power had a much more negative connotation.

Eric Muller

All interesting suggestions, except for Orin's #3, which sort of disproves itself.


What's especially odd about some aspects of this is that many of the politicians who were most responsible for setting up Russian Jewish emigration (and immigration to the US) were Democrats- Scoop Jackson, Carter, etc. And, the Democrats at the time (and later, of course) were not plausibly "soft on Communism". That might have been a perception, but it certainly wasn't a well-supported one.

onsale taobao

Let us just do it.

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