For those of you whose new year's resolutions had something to do with being less distracted by technology (PDAs, cellphones, Facebook etc), Chris Brogan gives some useful tips here.
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You'll have to explain what a "PDA" is. I'm of a generation where it meant "public display of affection." Then again, I continue to prefer Corel Word Perfect as my program of choice, and I don't carry a cellphone on me (or any other handheld electronic device). Does this make me a dinosaur, on the verge of extinction?
Posted by: Tim Zinnecker | January 03, 2011 at 11:58 AM
PDA = personal digital assistant eg iPhone, Palm Pilot, Android etc. And I'm sure many people now show public displays of affection for their PDAs....
Posted by: Jacqueline Lipton | January 03, 2011 at 12:01 PM