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December 10, 2010


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Alfred Brophy

Thanks for this, Bridget.

Classification is tough in a lot of cases, I think, because there are so many people whose work touches on parts of a field. Brian Leiter dealt with this in regard to legal historians recently:

I would think that self-identification (perhaps from the AALS directory) as an environmentalist or a legal historian or whatever would be a good starting point. I guess it also has the virtue of a uniform standard, even though it may under-count the number of faculty working in environmental law on a campus (and it obviously misses faculty outside of the law school and adjuncts).


I can't open the data file.

Bridget Crawford

I have fixed the link (I hope). Comments, corrections and suggestions welcome. If any reader is having trouble opening the file, I'll be happy to send it via email.


Thanks. Practitioner here, not a professor, but...
1. I'd think it hinges most on what the C.V. indicates. Placing articles in the environmental specialty journals is a pretty solid test of self-identification.
2. I think a more interesting measure would be the number of environment, natural resources, land use and energy courses each school is offering in the course of a year. That would include the courses taught by adjuncts, obviously.


Wow. Seems like making 10 phone calls would have been much easier.

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