If you're a graduate student of any stripe - including an advanced law student (post-JD) - with scholarly interests in sociolegal studies...this call's for you! The Law and Society Association is hosting its twenty-fifth Graduate Student Workshop (GSW) May 31-June 1, 2011 immediately preceding the 2011 Annual Meeting of the LSA in San Francisco. Applications are due January 15, 2011. Full details are in this LSA announcement.
Update: As Susan Bandes notes below, this workshop is actually open to JD students as well.
Thanks very much for posting this, Dan. I just want to add that if you are a JD student and think you might be interested in applying, I encourage you to contact Lissa Ganter at LSA ([email protected]) and talk to her about the workshop and the application process. The "advanced law student" language in the announcement is apparently meant mainly to communicate that the program is not directled toward students in undergraduate law programs. Students in JD programs are eligible.
Posted by: Susan Bandes | November 03, 2010 at 07:05 PM