A few weeks ago our friends at Brooklyn Law school got creative, sending along a jar of spicy Brooklyn Salsa to potential US News voters as part of their law school PR package. Everyone enjoyed the tasty treat and it confirmed what many of us already believed: Brooklyn Law is hot right now.
But that was only the beginning. It seems that the law school was also the site of some racy lingerie ads produced by the Italian clothes manufacturer, Diesel. (Caution: link takes you to some barely-work-appropriate images. Hurry up before you get caught.)
The folks who sent the salsa (i.e., the Brooklyn Law School administrators) are apparently very unpleased by this unexpected heat. Interim dean Michael Gerber stated:
We are as shocked and mortified as you must be by these photographs. When the school gave its permission to do the shoot, the school was assured that the photos would be in good taste. They are not.
It's hard to know whether this new ad campaign will have any effect on the law school's reputation among the 646 people who vote on such matters. But I am stone certain that there are hundreds of BLS students who are mad as hell that they weren't in the libes that day Diesel's sexy, shirt-and-pantless models appeared in the stacks.
To the library geeks go the spoils...
N.C. State, our neighboring institution over in Raleigh, is working hard to keep up with the Brooklyn law library. See http://www.newsobserver.com/2010/11/13/799354/student-cited-for-library-nudity.html
Posted by: Eric Muller | November 15, 2010 at 12:51 PM
Saw some people complaining about the Diesel shoot on some other blogs, wtf?!
Posted by: Steve | November 15, 2010 at 01:58 PM