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November 14, 2010


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Patrick S. O'Donnell

Well, they're entitled to legal representation, and allegations are, after all, allegations until "proven" otherwise. It's analogous in some ways (you inspired me with the--tip-of-tongue-in-cheek--'dark side' metaphor) to the situation of lawyers defending unpopular clients generally (mass murderers, genocidal political leaders, terrorist suspects), is it not? Someone with the requisite expertise has to...and should do it. College athletics at this level is big business and will thus attach itself to all the legal paraphernalia and panoply that goes with same.


you mean someone actually thinks lawyers have scruples? :)

Mike K

This is what happened when a would-be agent paid money to Reggie Bush's family while he was playing at U of Southern California. It didn't matter that the coaches didn't know. Coach Pete Carroll was fired by Athletic Director Mike Garrett who was then fired in turn by the university. SC is out of bowl games for two years and lost 15 scholarships a year for four years. Lots of losers are cheering although SC is moving in on a 10-3 season with two last second losses to top ten teams.

These penalties are pretty arbitrary and capricious. The better the school's winning record, the harsher the penalty.

Tim McD

So if I send a letter to Tennessee offering to get Greg McElroy to transfer from Alabama for $150,000 he don't get to play next year?!

Back in a second, I have a letter to write!

John Galt

"The solicitation of cash or benefits by a prospective student-athlete or another individual on his or her behalf is not allowed under NCAA rules,"

So, if I want to get some prospective athlete DQ-ed from playing for my school's rival, I just need to tell the rival school that I can get him to come there ... if they pony up the $$$?

That's all it takes?


Nice story... except that it's just not true:


The real crime is the notion that college level atheletes should serve and suffer risk of injury without pay, but coaches, doctors, nurses, trainers, administrators, and NCAA officials should all be paid.

If the official is paid, why not the players? Or rather, the pay of the NCAA officials should be limited to a small integer multiple of the lowest paid player.

Irish Pirate Eddie

"I feel certain that thousands of Bama fans are hoping that Newton is declared ineligible and that Auburn's season goes up in flames. "... not exactly - Bama is part of the all powerful SouthEastern Conference. The SEC, the toughest conference in college football, presently makes up 1/3 of the top 25 teams in the BSC standings- that says that the SEC is good, damn good. Therefore, there is a sense of pride to be associated wtih that. Saturdays in the south, in the fall, is nothing but rock em hard football-and SEC teams get beat to hell and back and if one is left standing at the end of the season- they are King. Bama knows they are out of contetion for the Championship Bowl this year and therefore will begrudginly root for Cam Newton + Auburn who ever they may play in the national spotlight for the big game. GO SEC!!


"The solicitation of cash or benefits by a prospective student-athlete or another individual on his or her behalf is not allowed under NCAA rules,"

I am not a lawyer, don't play one on TV, and didn't sleep in a Holiday Inn Express last night, but how was the father's solicitation of cash or benefits done on his son's behalf if the son had no knowledge of it and gained nothing by it?

If young Mr. Newton neither wanted nor knew about the solicitation made by his father, then the solicitation was made on the father's behalf, not that of the student-athlete.

No horse in this race but if I were Auburn that would be my stand on the matter - no rule was broken by the student-athlete or by anyone else ON BEHALF of the student-athlete.


Apochryphal or not, when George Steinbrenner offerd Bo Jackson $375,000 to sign with the Yankees while still at Auburn, Jackson tuned him down by saying that he could not afford to do it. Supposedly the SEC was notified before the season
and chose not to do anything (Probably because all the SEC scholls are guilty of same).


Cam Newton attended Auburn because his father said he should. Cecil Newton is a minister in Georgia whose church received a lot of recent repairs for free. Hmm. It's been pretty clear for at least a week that Cecil Newton solicited money from MSU to get Cam to sign there. Nobody has produced the smoking gun that anyone associated with Auburn provided improper benefits to the Newton family but it's early days.

The interests of college football would probably be best served with a Bama win in the Iron bowl.

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