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October 28, 2010


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GOOD! The school should never have been established in the first place. They will face particular recruiting challenges when they start graduating full classes into this dismal job market. OH Wait, UCI's goal is to produce loads of public interest lawyers to fill the hole that the other 4 UC law schools, and the other 15 ABA approved schools in California aren't filling. What a joke!

Lrian Beiter

"(think Loyola and San Diego,)"

Well, these two schools are facing problems of their own with U.S. News' elimination of the part-time loop hole. They used to hide low-credentialed revenue generating students in the part time class. Can't do that anymore.

So, I'd put my money on Loyola and San Diego going bye bye, and flashy schools like Irvine managing to doop enough poor saps to pay sticker price to achieve that "top 20" status (meaning u.s. news because they've pulled together enoughh prawfs in one place that the Leiter Show likes). OMG Dan Burke, Chemerinsky I totally wanna go there LOL!

Same outcome though, whehter you go to Loyola, San Diego, or Irvine, you're in for a rude awakening.


Could some of that drop off have occurred because the economy tanked and many prospective law school students realized that a law degree wasn't the sure thing it used to be?


I just want to say that "Lrian Bleiter" is *really* clever!

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