I’m teaching Deutschman v. Beneficial Corp. (841 F2d. 502, 3d Cir. 1988) tomorrow – the case holding that option holders have standing to sue under Rule 10b-5. In the course of class prep I came across this clever limerick posted by Jeremy Telman over at Contracts Prof Blog last year:
Deutschman v. Beneficial Corp.
An option, be it put, be it call,
Gives you standing a fraud to forestall.
A call is a bet
A stock hasn't peaked yet;
But a put when the stock's gonna fall.
As regular Lounge readers may recall, I like limericks, especially those relating to law and financial markets. If you like them too, Limericks Économiques (Poems On The Dismal Science Of Economics By Dr. Goose) is a good place to start.
I am humbly in your debt, madam.
- Dr. Goose
Posted by: LimericksEcon | October 28, 2010 at 09:36 PM