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May 10, 2010


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I think Amy Kapczynski (Berkeley) will be visiting Yale for the academic year.

David Orentlicher

David Orentlicher will be visiting at Iowa for the academic year (from Indiana University-Indianapolis).

Tim Zinnecker

Since my posting, I've received the following information:

CORRECTION: John Donohue is returning to, rather than visiting at, Stanford.

Susan Bandes (DePaul) is visiting at Miami (Spring 2011).
Anna Gelpern (American) is visiting at Penn (Spring 2011).


Since these are self-reported 'visits' in many cases, it is probably worth noting that there are inaccuracies on the list--e.g., folks who are taking sabbatical leaves somewhere else, but have not really been invited as visiting professors.

Mark R. Lee

I'll be visiting at the University of San Diego in 2010-2111.

Mark Lee (Southern Illinois University)

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