BYU law professor Tom Lee (pictured) has been nominated by Governor Gary Herbert to a seat on the Utah Supreme Court to fill the vacancy created by a recent retirement. Lee, who joined the BYU law faculty in 1997, is a Chicago law grad and a former clerk for federal appellate judge Harvie Wilkinson and Justice Clarence Thomas. His teaching and scholarly interests include civil procedure and intellectual property. His father, Rex Lee, served as President Reagan's first Solicitor General. And as noted in this recent post, his brother (Mike) is a U.S. Senate candidate.
BYU's press release is here.
Congratulations to Professor Lee. That's a very distinguished family!
Posted by: Alfred Brophy | May 31, 2010 at 10:48 AM
Tom's brother Mike just won the Utah Republican primary and will be their candidate for the U.S. Senate seat. I knew their father, Rex, relatively well, and I know that he would be proud of their willingness to serve.
Posted by: Rod Smith | June 23, 2010 at 08:41 AM