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April 29, 2010


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Mark Edwards

This is a fascinating project, and I love the idea of using it as a model for more student notes and comments. I will be suggesting it to my students in the very near future.

Alfred Brophy

I think Kirklin's probided a great model for student and faculty work. There's a lot of data out there just waiting to be harvested, which will tell us a lot about both social practices and law. And that kind of work can be broken into discreet parts, which are manageable in the course of a year-long project and will result in a original research. As we get more of this kind of study, we can begin to make some comparisons of how people in different sections of the country employ (or fail to employ) legal technology.

I'd be really curious about how inheritance practices worked in the upper mid-west around the time of the Civil War.

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