California Superior Court Judge John Munter ruled, yesterday, that University of California professional school students who started in 2003 or later overpaid fees. As a result, these students and alums are entitled to share a pool of $38 million. According to the LA Times, individual students will receive refunds of between a few hundred and ten thousand dollars. The issue was whether UC had reneged on a promise of no fee hikes.
UC already paid out $40 million in refunds to students who enrolled in 2002, for similar reasons. This new case is apparently a closer call and UC is likely to appeal. In the end, this will probably be a simple redistribution: alums from earlier years (who paid less) will get rebates. Current and future students, who are getting hammered by price hikes, will see their costs rise even more.
Awesome! Now not only do we have UC Berkeley and San Diego professors bashing the other campuses and demanding that other departments be closed (see Kim's posts on this from last year) -- but now we also have recent UC students hammering current ones. Time to pull out Hobbes, methinks.
Posted by: Vladimir | March 13, 2010 at 07:28 PM