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March 04, 2010


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Kelly Anders

The only one I can think of is Al Pacino for "The Godfather" (1972) and "The Godfather, Part II" (1974).

Colin Miller

Cate Blanchett was nominated for Elizabeth and Elizabeth: The Golden Age.


Those are both correct. Three actors remain.

Tim Zinnecker

Bing Crosby (Father O'Malley): Going My Way and The Bells of St. Mary's.


Tim's correct. Two more actors remain.

Tim Zinnecker

Peter O'Toole (King Henry II): Becket and The Lion in Winter.

For the remaining answer, readers may wish to "pool" their knowledge!


Four down, one to go. And Tim's hint is a good "cue" for the final actor on this list. He's also the person to go the longest between the two nominations, and he and Peter O'Toole are the only two who were directed by two different people to nominations for playing the same character.

Tim Zinnecker

Garrett, should we tell our readers that the correct answer has an Oscar-winning spouse?


Sure. He also has delicious pretzels and salad dressings.

Lance McMillian

Paul Newman -- The Hustler and The Color of Money.

I was thinking of swimming when you first said "pool."

Tim Zinnecker

I believe both of Garrett's questions have gone unanswered for the longest time! Ergo, they must have been the most challenging.

But we have questions left for Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.

Tim Zinnecker

Source material for my comments on the role of King Henry VIII:
(scroll down the page about half way)

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