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March 10, 2010


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Alfred Brophy

Thanks for this, Dan. I think Chief Justice Roberts meant G. Edward White, The Marshall Court and Cultural Change (which I used to teach when I was at UA) -- an absolutely fabulous book, btw. Or Jean Edward Smith's John Marshall: Definer of a Nation.

Alfred Brophy

Dan--just listened to Chief Justice Roberts' speech. It's a gracious speech, particularly where he spoke about Alabama's connections to the Court. I was pleasantly surprised to hear Roberts talk about Justice John A. Campbell; I've been working on him of late. Second, it's great to see the auditorium; it brings back a lot of great memories of property, trusts and estates, and remedies classes I taught there. Third, I was pleasantly suprised -- shocked, really -- to hear that he went to law school thinking he might be a legal historian! Fourth, I'm still confused about whether Roberts meant G. Edward White's Marshall Court and Cultural Change or Jean Smith's John Marshall: Definer of a Nation, though I suspect it's the later -- because Roberts mentions Marshall's experience at Valley Forge, which I don't think White discussed in his book. (See CSPAN at about minute 55).

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