Duke and UNC law schools and Duke Energy are hosting a conference on corporate board diversity April 16th, 2010, at the University of North Carolina. Admission is free -- more information here. Paper authors include: Lissa L. Broome (UNC, law), John Martin Conley (UNC, law), John Darley (Princeton, psychology), Frank Dobbin (Harvard, sociology), Lisa M. Fairfax (GW, law), James Fanto (Brooklyn, law), Mitu Gulati (Duke, law), Sung Hui Kim (Southwestern, law), Kimberly D. Krawiec (Duke, law), Patrick Shin (Suffolk, law), Lawrence M. Solan (Brooklyn, law), and Tom Tyler (NYU, psychology). Commentary by: Kate Bartlett (Duke, law), Jim Coleman (Duke, law), Jim Cox (Duke, law), Deborah DeMott (Duke, law), Tom Hazen (UNC, law), Jerry Kang (UCLA, law), Donald C. Langevoort (Georgetown, law), and Cindy Williams (Osgoode, law).
The papers and comments will be published in the North Carolina Law Review Volume 89, Issue 3.
Download the conference flyer here: Download 2DDsympwlogosWIP1000-1
Lissa Broome, John Conley, and I will be presenting (and publishing) new results from our ongoing ethnographic study of corporate board diversity. In the meantime, read our prior two articles on board diversity: Signaling Through Board Diversity: Is Anyone Listening and Narratives of Diversity in the Corporate Boardroom: What Corporate Insiders Say about Why Diversity Matters
This looks great, Kim. I'm looking forward to hearing the papers. Is there any overlap between the critical race literature on diversity -- such as why it matters if institutions are integrated -- and the board diversity literature? I'd like to hear how these two groups of scholars talk to one another. I'm also interested in hearing if there are critiques of board diversity along the lines of Randall Kennedy's article on racial critiques of academia? Could make for some pretty interesting discussions.
Posted by: Alfred Brophy | March 06, 2010 at 08:16 PM
Hope to see you there, Al. I haven't seen the papers yet, so I'm not sure what people will be saying exactly. But it's a good group of folks, so I think it will be an interesting day.
Posted by: Kim Krawiec | March 06, 2010 at 10:03 PM