A while ago I posted about the joys of my new Kindle. Absolutely terrific for commuting - don't have to carry piles of books and can download whatever, whenever etc.
What I hadn't realized at the time of purchase was the challenge of reading on a Kindle when not commuting: in particular, when hanging out at home with toddlers. While those of the under 4 y.o. persuasion are usually not overly interested in "grown up" books when mommy tries to read them, a Kindle is a different kettle of fish altogether. It has BUTTONS. You can press them. You can make the screen do silly things. My main tip to others with toddlers and Kindles ... make sure the wireless connection to the Kindle store is turned OFF when the young ones are about.
Everywhere you write "Kindle" in the above post, you can substitute lots and lots of other things: laptops (both Mac and PC), iPhones, electric guitars, digital cameras. I'm guessing my kids will have ordered over 100 apps for my iPad, most of them with a princess theme, before I even get to open the box. Moreover, a lot of this will continue to be true after they're 4 years old, except by then they'll have figured out how to turn the wireless connection back on by themselves.
Posted by: Marc Blitz | February 13, 2010 at 02:42 PM