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January 25, 2010


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Single Female Prof

Well, now I really feel like a loser! ;)

Jeff Yates

Something I can't glean from the post is the age groups examined. I will assume that it is 18 years of age and up. If it is, then the % married in academics might not be so different from the general population. Very few people are faculty before age 30, so we may be looking at 30+ faculty vs. 18+ rest of the population.

I imagine that if you are single, then being a faculty member would be preferable to having a cubicle office job. The flex time would make for a better lifestyle. On the other hand, I imagine that it also might be somewhat isolating.

New Prof

I'm not so sure about the assumed desirability of a faculty position over a cubicle office job -- at least, not for purposes of socializing. Sure the pay and freedom on the former are greater than that of the latter, but there's a big difference. People with COJ's leave at the end of the day and are freer to socialize, whereas faculty are less inclined to be hooked into social networks away from the office. They often socialize professionally with married colleagues, and there are always evening events to attend. As Jeff acknowledges, the professorial life can be isolating, and this can be true for profs of all persuasions, not just single women. Since this reflects figures from 2001, I am curious to see how this has changed during the past decade. I suspect there will be more singles in the mix.

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is very interesting that a census, the vast majority of teachers who are men are married, 81%. From that group are married, about 40% are married to other academics.

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is very interesting that a census, the vast majority of teachers who are men are married, 81%. From that group are married, about 40% are married to other academics.

Something I can't glean from the post is the age groups examined. I will assume that it is 18 years of age and up. If it is, then the % married in academics might not be so different from the general population. Very few people are faculty before age 30, so we may be looking at 30+ faculty vs. 18+ rest of the population.

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Something I can't glean from the post is the age groups examined. I will assume that it is 18 years of age and up. If it is, then the % married in academics might not be so different from the general population. Very few people are faculty before age 30, so we may be looking at 30+ faculty vs. 18+ rest of the population.

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Humor has been well defined as thinking in fun while feeling in earnest.

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Humor has been well defined as thinking in fun while feeling in earnest.

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