Readers interested in Kelo and eminent domain may enjoy the most recent "room for debate" column in The New York Times. Titled "A Turning Point for Eminent Domain?", the commentary includes remarks from journalist and author Paul Bass, attorney Dana Berliner (co-counsel for the Kelo homeowners), professor Matt Festa (South Texas College of Law), professor Paul Finkelman (Albany Law School), and professor Ilya Somin (George Mason University School of Law).
Here's the link.
I'm starting a new writing project on governments that don't just forego Kelo takings, but will forego non-controversial public good takings (like, say, sewer easements). Do you have any suggestions for a starting place for reading that is available sans Westlaw/Lexis?
Posted by: Matthew Reid Krell | November 13, 2009 at 04:08 PM