SIU is bringing in three finalists for the position of dean of the law school. They are Richard Bales, Director of the Center for Excellence in Advocacy and Professor of Law at Northern Kentucky; Elizabeth Reilly, the C. Blake McDowell Professor of Law at the University of Arkron; and Cynthia Fountaine, Professor of Law at Texas Wesleyan.
Reilly is a great academic, and very focused on teaching. Her presentation at SEALS this year was very helpful.
Posted by: anon | November 25, 2009 at 11:13 AM
***Newsflash (Reuters)*** Graduates of Southern Illonois, and other 3rd/4th tier law schools remain (as always) unable to find employment in the law, but their prospects have been excacerbated by the current economic situation! Whereas before, they may have hoped to become sole practitioners pulling in 32K a year or maybe 50K at a 12 attorney firm..
Us practicing attorneys read this crap and are so very entertained...please do continue in your makes us laugh...You people are amusing as hell.
And what might this new dean expect to earn off the backs of his/her/its/person's/human's/being's/entity's students, I wonder??? If it is compensation, of any amount, in U.S. dollars, it is too much...
Posted by: Really??? | November 25, 2009 at 08:28 PM