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October 04, 2009


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Your update II is seriously misleading and should be corrected. The Virginia Law Weekly does not discuss the "incident" in the sense of spitting and homophobia; it discusses student disappointment that Eskridge, who was a highly popular teacher, did not receive tenure. As you have written it, it implies that the "incident" was documented in print and implies that Dean Mahoney's statement denying it happened is contradicted by contemporary evidence.

You also don't capture the spirit or full content of what Mahoney says about Eskridge's remarkable testimony or U.Va.'s relationship to the LGBT community. U.Va. has started the careers of several well known LGBT scholars, and has long had (predating this alleged, long ago incident) prominent gay faculty.


This is the most biased article I've yet read on this controversy.

Congrats on being a terrible writer.

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