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October 16, 2009


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The "merger" idea is often a funny one, I think, since in the merger the acquiring school would get not only the "assets" (building, library, etc.) but the, er, "liabilities" as well. My understanding is that this lack of desire to acquire the relevant "liabilities" is what lead the faculty senate (and maybe other aspects of the system) of UCSD to shoot down the UCSD chancellor's dream of gaining a law school by acquiring Cal Western Law School. If the relevant people are smart, it's what will prevent SUNY Stoneybrook from gaining a law school by buying Tuoro, as has been proposed. I don't know if Massachusetts, especially in the western part, plausibly needs a new law school or not. I suspect not but could be convinced otherwise. And I don't know whether the Dartmouth campus is a plausible place for a law school within the UMass system. But at least some parts of the U Mass system are very good, and could plausibly support a good law school. Given this, it seems more reasonable to me that if there's a legitimate need, it ought to start from the ground up.


U. Mass. Dartmouth is actually in the southeastern corner of the state. It would probably serve the Rhode Island market at least as much as it would serve the Massachusetts market. Given the economy and the realities of state budgets, my guess is that the decisionmakers in Massachusetts are choosing between merger and no law school. The start-up costs of a new school make that a non-starter.


Thanks for the geography correction, Bob! For some reason I thought it was in the North Western part.


The Boston Globe has an editorial opposing this:

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I'm a little skeptical about this maneuver. I understand the benefits of acquiring an existing free-standing program: the school avoids a very complex startup process. But there are huge upsides to launching a new operation in 2009 - particularly given the quality of candidates on the teaching market. Of course, might guess is that the only way that the UMass - Dartmouth campus will score a law school is through a there are internal political reasons for making this move.


Under Article IV of the Constitution, which outlines the relationship between the states,

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