And none From the Law School? I’m shocked.
The Harvard Crimson profiles “Three Rock Star Professors” -- Niall Ferguson, N. Gregory Mankiw, and Robert A. Lue:
They are the celebrity professor, the rock star professor, the professor whose book you’ve read before your family lugs your worldly possessions through Johnston Gate. They may lecture in the same auditoriums as other academics, but they inspire a far different scope of admiration. This is what it’s like.
Who the hell is Robert Lue? And what the other two have mainly in common is they're on the right. Hmmm...
Posted by: Brian | October 18, 2009 at 12:04 PM
You're right, Brian. Oddly the political-right connection didn't occur to me until you mentioned it. I was going to note that all three are male, but that, of course, would be obvious from the post.
Posted by: Kim Krawiec | October 18, 2009 at 02:23 PM
Rob Lue teaches the Intro Life Science course that almost all pre-meds at Harvard will take in their first 2 years. He is known as a fantastic teacher and extremely nice person, but was indeed a strange pick. Pinker or Michael Sandal would have been more obvious.
Posted by: Ben | October 18, 2009 at 03:41 PM
Thanks Ben. The students quoted in the article did seem quite fond of him.
Posted by: Kim Krawiec | October 18, 2009 at 05:11 PM
Michael Sandel
Posted by: Patrick S. O'Donnell | October 18, 2009 at 08:10 PM
Whose "Justice" course is being televised on PBS this month, I should add.
Some of the lectures are available online here:
Am I missing something or is it only every other lecture that has been made available?
Posted by: Kim Krawiec | October 19, 2009 at 05:15 PM